We would like to call on your expertise and invaluable support in expanding our network of experts.

We invite you to join our network of experts by indicating your fields of interest here.


Invitation to participate in the European Cancer Organisation's Cancer Workforce Staffing Survey. This initiative aims to collect national data on staffing shortages in different fields within the cancer workforce throughout the WHO European region.

To participate in the European Cancer Organisation's Cancer Workforce Staffing Survey, please follow the link:
The survey will close on 29 February.

Som annonceret på selskabets generalforsamling har bestyrelsen øremærket nogle midler til at støtte afholdelse af kursus-/mødeaktiviteter jf. vedhæftede retningslinje. Det vedhæftede ansøgningsskema skal benyttes.

Retningslinje for økonomisk støtte til uddannelses- og mødeaktiviteter med interesse for Dansk selskab for Klinisk Fysiologi og Nuklearmedicin (pdf).

Ansøgningsskema for økonomisk støtte DSKFNM (docx).

Dansk Radiologisk Selskab holder årsmøde den 24.-26. januar 2024 i Horsens.
Se mere information på

EANM invite young researchers under 33 who are actively engaged in (pre)clinical research to present and discuss their ongoing research project or initial findings in this scientific field -

Se mere under YNK eller via nedenstående link: 

Download this file (younginvestigatormeeting2024.pdf)Younginvestigatormeeting2024[ ]350 kB

Se program for pankreasmødet 25. januar 2024 her.