Dansk Thyreoidea Selskab holder forårsmøde den 28. april 2023 på Rigshospitalet.

Se program her (pdf).

Den nye Dansk lungefunktionsstandard 2023 kan findes under Fagligt -> Guidelines:


EANM’23 Vienna

36th Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine

9. til 13. september. Mere information på:


EANM23 Abstract Submission has started

Share your work with the Nuclear Medicine Community now! Submit your abstract and be chosen for an oral presentation onsite in Vienna. Check the guidelines, collect your material and submit until April 25, 2023!


23.-24. maj 2023

Tampere, Finland

11th European Symposium on Paediatric Nuclear Medicine
May 11-14, 2023
Park Hotel San Jorge
Canonge/Platja d'Aro, Girona, Spain

22. - 24. maj 2023. The Harrogate Convention Centre.

Abstract submission (deadline 17. februar).

Program-oversigt (pdf).

Tilmelding og yderligere information her.